BUSMHR 3200 Study Guide - Final Guide: Decision-Making

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Important terms and concepts (unity of command, span of control, etc. ) Unity of command: specifies that each employee should report to only one manager. Span of control: refers to the number of people reporting directly to a given manager. Line vs. staff positions: line: managers such as the president, the two executive directors, and the various directors occupy formal dm positions within the change of command. Also, they are generally connected by solid lines on organization charts. **the authority to make decisions: staff: do background research and provide technical advice and recommendations to their line managers. Developmental positions vs. continuity positions (cid:523)vs. (cid:498)normal(cid:499)(cid:524): Internet, and convene videoconferences among dispersed participants. specifically to respond to an exceptional market. Mechanistic organizations: rigid bureaucracies with strict rules, narrowly defined tasks, and top-down communication. Organic organizations: are flexible networks of multitalented individuals who perform a variety of tasks.