BUSFIN 3500 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Corning Inc., Affirmative Defense, Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act

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Document Summary

Civil rights act of 1964 - prohibits the discrimination in employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, or sex. The law does not require an employer to hire, promote, or retain anyone. It simply prohibits an employer from using membership in a protected class as a basis for an employment decision. 2 types of illegal discrimination: disparate treatment of a member of a protected class, disparate impact of an employment practice on a protected class. Disparate treatment: results when an employer, union, or employment agency treats one employee less favorably than another because of their protected class. Aka intentional discrimination: an accuser may prove disparate treatment with direct evidence of a discriminatory motive. Disparate treatment: occurs when an employer uses a double standard for members of a protected class: sex plus discrimination: employer doesn"t hire females with children but does hire men with children.