ANTHROP 3504- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 32 pages long!)

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Provide strong framework that supports rest of the body. 3 types of cartilage: hyaline cartilage = having a glossy or translucent appearance, location, connection between ribs and sternum. Involuntary contraction: cardiac muscle, associated with only the heart, also called striated involuntary muscle. Pulsating contractions: neural tissue, specialized to conduct electrical signals in body. Membranes: epithelia and connective tissue combine to form membranes, membrane = pliable, sheet-like structure acting as a boundary, lining or partition, four types, mucous, serous. Lecture 2: august 24: composed of , skin and its derivatives, hair, nails, sweat glands, oil glands, mammary glands. Functions: physical protection, means to regulate temperature, excretion of products, sensation, immune defense. Anthro 3504: sebaceous glands, hair follicles, functions, protection from uv light, insulation, guards entrances, arrector pili muscles, cause goosebumps, smooth muscle. Exocrine glands: produces and secretes substances onto epithelial surface by way of a duct, skin contains two types, sweat glands, type 1: apocrine glands.