ANTHROP 3409 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Orangutan, Temporal Bone, Slow Loris

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Favors larger males with larger canines: dominance hierarchy, larger testicles in promiscuous mating = sperm competition, infanticide. Single male trying to monopolize females but females are dispersed: believed to be primitive social organization, usually nocturnal and small primates, multi-male, multi-female groups, most common. Promiscuous mating: monogamy, polyandry = single female and multiple males, fission-fusion society, group membership is fluid/fluctuates. Live in communities: locomotion, arboreal quadrupedalism, selection for balance and stability, lower center of gravity by shortening limbs. General anthropoid features: larger; diurnal; lack tapetum lucidum; orbits more forward facing; reduced snout; larger brain; fused frontal bone; fused mandibular symphysis; postorbital closure. Leapers = but fall often: olive colobus. Smallest: asian, langurs, generalized; can survive in many habitats. Infanticide study: proboscis monkey (borneo, good at swimming, big stomach to process leaves, snub-nosed monkey. Hominoids: features of apes, all catarrhine traits, broad nose and palate. Females = 60 kg: un-flanged males = 60 kg.