HST 2020 Study Guide - Final Guide: Jacques Marquette, Giovanni Da Verrazzano, Compass

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New technologies (know the name and how they made exploring easier) Designed carvel ships with triangular sails so they can sail against wind, astrolabe helped find location while in sea, magnetic compass showed which was you are facing (n, s, e, w) The treaty that spain and portugal signed to honor the line of demarcation, spain can only trade and sail to the west of the line and portugal to the east of the line. Cortes made contact on the shores of mexico, tried to convert the aztecs to christian, wanted gold from aztecs, killed their leader. Pizarro and his effects on the incas conquered inca"s in south america, kidnapped inca ruler, ruler gave him rooms of gold but he was killed anyway. Giovanni da verrazzano, samuel de champlain, jacques marquette & louis joliet, Verrazzano - discovered new york harbor; marquette & joliet explored great lakes;