AED 302 Study Guide - Final Guide: Communicative Competence, Sociolinguistics, Intertextuality

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6 language arts listening talking reading writing viewing visually representing. 6+1 traits ideas and content organization voice word choice fluency conventions presentation (+1) Strategies students use predicting organizing elaborating monitoring sociolinguistics. *students talk with each other about books that they"re reading, feedback for writing, etc. *through these interactions, students learn stuff they wouldn"t otherwise morpheme smallest unit of sound semantics meaning graphemes letter combinations critical literacy focuses on the empowering role of language. Internet strategies navigating coauthoring evaluating synthesizing communicative competence ability to use language appropriately for both social and academic contexts. ** goal of la instruction characteristics of communities of learners. *may participate but not be able to give a formal report. *can re nonfiction but do not know how to give a report. *better able to use language as a tool. 4 patterns of practice literature focus units lit circles reading and writing workshop thematic units.