PSYCH-AD 101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Acetylcholine, Morphine, Agonist

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Specific brain system serves specific function: our adaptive brain is wired by our experiences, biological perspective - concerned with the links between biology and. Myelin sheath a fatty tissue layer of some neurons; enables vastly greater. Action potential a neural impulse; a brief electrical charge that travels down an axon. The surface of an axon is selectively permeable. Rp: resting potential: as the action potential continues down the axon, the first section now. The action potential has two stages depolarization (dp) and re-polarization (rep: neuron stimulation causes a brief change in electrical charge. If it is strong enough this produces depolarization, momentarily changing the resting potential negative- inside / positive-outside state, and causes an action potential: this depolarization produces another action potential along the axon. Gates in this neighboring area now open, and positively charged sodium atoms rush in. the sodium potassium pump then transports the sodium back outside the cell.