PSYCH-AD 101 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Normal Distribution, British Psychological Society, Blind Experiment

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How do theories advance psychological science: a theory is an explanation using integrated a set of principles that organize observations and predicts behaviors or events. By organizing isolated facts, a theory is simpli ed. By linking fats with deeper principles, a theory offers a useful summary. A hypothesis is a testable prediction, often implied by a theory. Operational de nition is a carefully worded statements of exact procedures (operations) used in a research study. To avoid biases psychologists, report to their research with operational de nitions of procedures and concepts. For example, sleep deprived would be de ned as x or less number of hours of sleep. The theory will be useful if it: organizes observed facts. Implies predictions that anyone can use to check the theory or to drive practical applications. The starting point of any science is description. The case study: among the oldest research methods is the case study.