NURSE-UN 1435 Study Guide - Final Guide: Hypokalemia, Pituitary Gland, Beta Cell

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Pathophysiology exam 3 learning objectives study guide. Insulin: required for the uptake of glucose by many cells, particularly those of the liver, muscle, and adipose cells. 1 issues in type ii diabetes when insulin is chronically high, beta cells might stop functioning and atrophy. Insulin secretion increases when there is an increase in: blood glucose, amino acids, glucagon, and gastrin, when blood sugar increases we need more insulin to push sugar back into the cell. Increased amino acids = increased insulin synthesis. (turning amino acids into protein: gastrin (peptide in the stomach that promotes the release of hydrochloric acid, done when we eat something and we need to breakdown food). Insulin secreted due to proteins, sugars, fats coming through the gi tract. (gastrin can lead to increased insulin) Insulin is going to prevent gluconeogenesis, prevent glycogen breakdown which increases blood sugar in the body.