NURSE-UN 1261 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: American Nurses Association, Deeper Understanding, Microsoft Powerpoint

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In an effort to help you prepare for the midterm and final exams, we offer some tips to guide your studying: review the course goals and class objectives. For example, a course objective is to gain an understanding on the role of the american nurses association in shaping professional standards: the lectures and power point presentations contain the key information for the weekly topics. You can print the power point presentations in outline view to easily identify the key information: the lectures are drawn from weekly readings from black (2014) professional nursing, assigned articles, and major data sources from the field. To master the content and to develop a deeper understanding of course topics, please review both the lecture content and the readings that relate to weekly objectives. For example, in week 2, we reviewed the demographics of the current rn population. It would be worthwhile to do a few practice questions to prepare for the midterm exam.