NURSE-UN 1255 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Syringe, Palmar Grasp Reflex, Fontanelle

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Babinski which disappears around 1 year: protective reflexes include neck righting and parachute reactions, the first primary teeth erupt between 4- 18 months old: heart rate decreases to around 70-120, and blood pressure increases to 90- No ) often occurs: many toddlers rely on a security item, aggressive behaviors and temper tantrums are common, common fears. Exam: smile and use soft crooning voice, have parent hold baby, if infant is asleep, auscultate the heart, lungs, and abdomen first. 3 s r e l o o h c s e r. Physical: generally, girls enter puberty earlier (at. 9-10 years) than boys (at 10 -11 years: for girls, menarche, usually begins between the ages of 9-15 years (average. 17 years: muscle mass increases in boys and fat deposits increase in girls, respiratory rate decreases and reaches the adult rate of 12-18 breaths per min, systolic blood pressure increases to 110-