MCC-UE 1010 Midterm: Midterm Study Guide

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History is a continuous & interactive process, constantly taken up, shaken up, revised, & utilized by people. 1838 - telegraph invented (samuel morse) - wireless. 1906 - first broadcast of human voice on wireless. All operators must be licensed & us citizens. Amateurs could transmit short wave (200m or less) 1910s: period of experimentation & amateur operators create a cult following. Radio introduced in the 1920s during a period of immense social & political upheaval. Immigration, nativism, wwi, newfound power of women, migration from farms to cities, growth & problems of urban life, & growing pop culture challenged progressive notions of assimilation & control. Rise of publishing advertising, sports, movies, & vaudeville to amuse, inform, cajole, & educate. Radio stirred up conflicts, offered competing uses, provoked struggles over whose interests would prevail, & raided fears about the dangerous cultural forces that might be unleashed by this invisible medium of connection & communication.