CSCI-UA 4- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 37 pages long!)

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We discussed the importance of naming our files and folders in a way that is safe to invoke or reference in the code. You may name your files using the following rules: Use any letter between a-z, a-z or number 0-9. Use under_score for a name that has two words or more. Use camel notation for a name that has two word or more, which makes the second or third words start with capital to make it legible. Ssh stands for secure shell and it is used to connect to a remote computer to manage the file system. ssh netid@i6. cims. nyu. edu. This command connects our computer to another on the internet. Once we are connected we can then use bash commands to navigate and manage the web server"s resources. Commands such as pwd, ls, cd, etc. will produce similar results as in the local environment. Ftp (port 21) and sftp (port 22) are file transfer protocol and secure file trasfer.