CORE-UA 305 Final: Human Origins Final Study Guide

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Two main communication system: the nervous system carries electrical messages from the brain via throughout the body, the endocrine system carries chemical messages from different organs throughout the body via blood. Hormone classes: aminoacid derivates: adrenalin, melatonin, fatty acid derivates: prostaglandins, peptides: insulin, oxytocin, polypeptides/proteins: gonadotropins (lh, fsh, steroids: sex hormones (ex. testosterone, estrogen), adrenal hormones (ex. cortisol, aldosterone) Main actions of hormones: maintain internal homeostasis, support cell growth, coordinate development + reproductive processes, facilitate responses to external stimuli, coordinate/regulate behaviour. Blood sampling: obtains the most direct information for concentrations of hormones, but, capture and restrain of the animal (cortisol increase, short term variation, dangerous, near impossible in wild animals, unethical. Measurement of hormone metabolites in: urine, feces. Urine or feces depends on: feasibility of sample collection, hormone of interest (steroid/peptide or proteohormones, species in question- variation in route of hormone excretion and metabolism, ex.