BIOL-UA 11- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 65 pages long!)

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The propensity to pull electrons towards an atom. If they are either negatively or positively charged, than they will have an affinity for water. More polar side chains tend to lie on the outside surface of proteins. Hydration shell - created by the hydrogen bond between the partial negative and partial positive charges of the oxygen and hydrogen. Local hydrogen bonds are created by the amino and carboxyl groups of a amino acid. Functional groups do not create bonds because they are required to make it hydrophobic/hydrophilic. When the ligand binds to the channel, it opens up to allow the ca++ to enter/leave the cell. It is easiest to label proteins and rnas in the cell. There are many ways to label proteins: using protein-specific antibodies to label the protein inside the cell. Transferring dna into cells: ca+, bombardment, electroporation, microinjection. Adding the gtp protein into the plasmid in order to get the protein with the flourecent substance.