APSY-UE 2 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Confounding, Sigmund Freud, Sampling Bias

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Document Summary

What is psychology: way of thinking practical. What do psychologists do: investigate questions on human behavior, then relay info. Investigation of the soul was the purpose of psychology initially: 18th century is when they started investigating the mind. Psychology wasn"t a discipline until 140yrs later. Saw psych as the study of the conscious experience. Functionalism: how the functions of the mind relate to conscious experience: william james- stream of consciousness, how people adjust to the situations they"re in. Investigated patterns of child development, discovered behavioral differences between genders. Behaviorism: psychology should only study observable behaviors: james b. watson- observable behavior of an organism"s responses is most important. Humanism: emphasizes the unique quality of humans, especially their freedom and their potential for personal growth: rodgers, depression/anxiety is caused by an individual not fulfilling their full potential, developing skills to grow can solve this.