GEOG 32102 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Hajj, Sephardi Jews, Fertile Crescent

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1. The capital of Qatar is: Doha
2. OPEC was created in order to: Give oil-producing countries higher shares of profits from
petroleum Give oil-producing countries higher shares of profits from petroleum
3. The world's largest refugee population today are the: Palestinians.
4. Mubarak resigned as a result of which of the following? Arab Spring protests
5. Which of the following is NOT true of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam? All three religions
continued the polytheistic beliefs of their forerunners.
6. The zone in North Africa/Southwest Asia known for its plentiful fresh water, open grasslands, and
abundant wild grains is: Fertile Crescent
7. International pressure caused the invading British and French forces to withdraw from the Suez in
1956, leaving the canal in Egyptian hands. True
8. The lunar month of Ramadan falls earlier each year in the solar calendar. True
9. The hajj is traditionally taken during the month of Ramadan. False
10. Sephardic Jews were those who had inhabited Palestine and other parts of the Middle East since
ancient times. True
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Document Summary

All three religions continued the polytheistic beliefs of their forerunners: the zone in north africa/southwest asia known for its plentiful fresh water, open grasslands, and abundant wild grains is: fertile crescent. International pressure caused the invading british and french forces to withdraw from the suez in. True: the lunar month of ramadan falls earlier each year in the solar calendar. True: the hajj is traditionally taken during the month of ramadan. False: sephardic jews were those who had inhabited palestine and other parts of the middle east since ancient times.