IEMS 342- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 49 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Communication channels that are created spontaneously and in the transfer and understanding of meaning. transmit messages related to the professional activities of members. that emerge as responses to individual choices. organization. Downward communication flows from upper to lower level groups/members of an. Upward communication flows from lower to higher level groups/members of an. Lateral communication flows between groups/members of the same level within organization. an organization. Network wheel relies on a central figure to disseminate information. All-channel network group members actively communicate with each. Score low on the rich channel characteristics. Oral is better when you need to gauge the receiver"s receptivity. Written is most effective for complex and lengthy communications but most efficient for short messages. Issues with sending emails information making use of heuristics. relying on facts, figures, and logic. Barriers to effective communication individual"s processing capacity. favorably by the sender. A detailed consideration of evidence and information.