PSYC 3510- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 22 pages long!)

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They can become either myeloid progenitors or lymphoid progenitors: there are two parts of the immune system: Innate immune system: what we are born with; non-specific, fast response to pathogens we encounter all the time: phagocyte: have receptors for chemicals on or released by pathogens (cells that eat other cells, macrophage: They contain ligands that can recognize cell stress (not specific antigens/pathogens): when cells are under stress, they release different chemicals. When a stressed cell is recognized, the nk cell will transmit a signal to the cell to commit apoptosis. Wbcs can also release cytokines to attract other. Wbcs to come help: extravasation is triggered by signals from cells that are damaged (i. e. infection, even when there is no infection/pathogen, plasma is constantly being pumped through the bloodstream. Primary and secondary lymphoid organs: when the innate immune system is not enough, interstitial fluid enters the lymphatic system and is filtered through lymphoid organs.