PHTH 1260- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 25 pages long!)

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Moving away from home to attend college was one of the most nerve wracking decisions i have ever made in my life. So imagine how terrified i was when small pink dots started to rapidly appear on my body during my second week of school. When i visited the northeastern health center the following day, the doctors there treated it as a small poison ivy rash and sent me home with some benadryl to help the itchiness. Over the next few days the rash gradually got worse. By day three it had spread throughout my entire body, ascending from the soles of my feet up to my forehead. It was so itchy that one night i woke up and went to the bathroom to try and relieve the pain. What i saw in the mirror almost gave me a heart attack, my face had become spotted with rashes and my lips had swollen to twice the regular size.