MUST 1220 Midterm: Intro to Music Technology Midterm 3

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Binary = 0s & 1s, easy for computers to understand. A(cid:374)d (cid:374)o(cid:449) a(cid:374)d (cid:374)o(cid:449)? (cid:863) dotted li(cid:374)e (cid:449)a(cid:448)e. Analog continuous registration of sound, just one long line and not small separate ones like digital has. Sampling taking measurements of amplitude = 44,100 times a second for each channel (one for left, one for right 88,200 in total) Bit depth how many bits used, increases dynamic range as it decreases in amplitude to zero. One sample per bit, bigger bits more data, more numbers. Quantization snaps real value to closest binary number. Quantization error difference between real value and where it was placed on grid. E(cid:454): sa(cid:455) (cid:455)ou pla(cid:455) a 16th (cid:374)ote, (cid:271)ut (cid:455)ou"(cid:396)e (cid:395)ua(cid:374)tizi(cid:374)g at 8th notes. So your 16th note is going to be pushed to sound like it was an 8th note, which is an error. You can change the (cid:395)ua(cid:374)tizatio(cid:374) a(cid:373)ou(cid:374)t a(cid:374)d (cid:396)edo it (cid:271)ut (cid:455)ou ha(cid:448)e to pla(cid:455) (cid:374)ea(cid:396) (cid:862)pe(cid:396)fe(cid:272)tl(cid:455)(cid:863) o(cid:396) it"ll do so(cid:373)e correction.