MUST 1220 Final: Intro to Music Technology Final 3

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Sample rate = 44. 1 khz (aka 44,100 hz) To get signal into computer workstation like pro tools. To get signal from computer to speaker, analog output of some kind. Sampling rate refers to how many samples are taken per second. A higher sampling rate results in a higher nyquist frequency, which effects the spectrum. Therefore also timbre and accuracy of the recording from what was being recorded. Aiff and wav formats have a lot more specific and a wider set of information from the sound files. While mp3 compresses/condenses it into a smaller, less detailed sound file. Uncompressed (raw data) vs file compression (degrading in a sense too: lower quality, like a blurry photo. You get the picture but you do(cid:374)"t get the little details that (cid:373)ake the so(cid:374)g u(cid:374)ique. Normalization makes it as loud as it possibly can be without clipping (raises the highest point to the loudest it can be before clipping, and raises the rest according)