MUST 1220 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Digital Audio Workstation, Least Significant Bit, Sound

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The presence or absence of partials change over the duration of a sound event as do the amplitudes of these partials. The shape of the amplitude changes over time in the sound of a particular instrument amplitude envelope. The sound of most instruments begins with an initial transient or attack portion. The transient is characterized by many high partials mixed with noise. Cut this off and you can confuse a trumpet for a piano. Steady-state, or suspended sound = after transient, characterized by periodicity. The fourier theorem suggests steady state is composed of a harmonic spectrum. The auditory system localizes everyday sound events using 3 factors: Interaural time delay: most active for frequencies below 1500 hz. Spectral shadows: when sounds with frequency higher than 1500, lambda is shorter than width of human head. Higher frequency reflect off the head spectral shadow.