[HSCI 1105] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 44 pages long Study Guide!

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Karina da rosa: nutrition introduction, definition i. ii. Essential chemicals in food that support human life: factors that affect food choices i. ii. Cognitive influences: habits, food cravings, body weight and image, availability, convenience, economy, advertising and promotion, social factors, nutrition and health beliefs iii. Cultural influences: culture, a learned system of categories, rules, and plans, cultural beliefs and tradition, cultural cuisine, religion c. Foods stimulate chemosensory, visual, thermal, and tatice senses. Liking: a set of affective reactions to a food. Innate tastes: preference for sweet, dislike of bitter, desire to eat i. Satiety: regulated by the hypothalamus, body sends signals - mindful eating, feeding centers, meal size and composition, the american diet i. American diet: supersizing of america, heavy in meats and potatoes, light in fruits and whole grains ii. iii. Less than half exercise vigorously: six categories of nutrients i.