[CLTR 1501] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (27 pages long)

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Document Summary

Americans and french both have same concepts but implemented them differently. French document = charter to tell people how to live together. A society under the monarchy that was extremely divided. Bill of rights = protect individual freedom from government. In france = protect the cohesion of society. Current president has decided to restructure the power of the union. Americans are getting fed up with mainstream politics. A traditional society -> loyalty goes to group and therefore calls for a leader that will protect them and carry on the duties of protection. Promise the people to go back to pre-globalization, pre-everything, etc: even though might hurt the economy but people feel protected by this. One way people cope with this loss is to go back to an era and see what made them great. Despite the fact that the universal declaration was in response to the established kings.