[BIOL 1117] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (25 pages long)

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Mature bone - metabolically active organ with bone growth and remodeling. Exerts a strong influence over rest of body by exchanging minerals with tissue fluid and blood. Disturbance of calcium balance in skeleton disrupts function of other organ systems (muscular, nervous) Mineral deposition (mineralization) - crystallization process in which calcium, p, and other ions are removed from blood plasma and deposited in bone tissue. Osteoblasts lay down collagen fibers spirally along length of osteon. Ca and p ions from blood plasma are deposited along collagen fibers, which become encrusted with minerals. Calcium phosphate crystals form when solubility limit is reached. Only when product of calcium and phosphate ion concentrations reaches or matches the solubility product value or limit is precipitation possible. Concentrations of ions become too high for ions to stay dissolved. First few crystals act as seed crystals = attract mineral ions until the matrix is thoroughly calcified.