BIOL 1113 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Melanism, Erasmus Darwin, Allele Frequency

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Biol1113 - general biology 2 spring 2016 review exam 1. This is a list of concepts and terms you should review for your first exam (thursday, february 4, 2016). This list is not meant to be all inclusive but rather should be used as a guideline to help you organize your studying. Characteristics of living systems: cells and organization- chemical uniqueness. Organisms maintain internal order: energy use and metabolism. All the chemical reactions in a cell. Photosynthesis, respiration, atp, etc: response to environmental change, regulation and homeostasis- maintenance of internal conditions within certain boundaries, growth, development, and reproduction- growth produces more or larger cells. Genetic material causes offspring to have traits like their parents. Adaptation- any modification that makes an organism suited to its way of life: over time organisms become modified by the process of natural selection. All living organisms descended from a common ancestor. History of evolutionary thought: pre-darwinian influenced by theology, myth, superstition, anaximander.