[ASNS 1150] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (23 pages long)

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Document Summary

Oracle bones=> answers from the spirits; became basis for chinese language. First large territorial state led by a ruler; however the shang did not employ an extensively centralized bureaucratic gov"t but rather delegated authority to largely autonomous local leaders. Despite patriarchal society, women had the most power under the shang than any other dynasty. Bronze age civilization reached mature form but rituals, such as human sacrifices, still existed. Zhou dynasty legitimized their rule using the mandate of heaven. Duke of zhou had the mandate, therefore he had the support of the heavens for his actions(killing brothers and king wu of zhou) Zhou rule was long but was not centralized=> zhou kings were increasingly overshadowed by the regional territorial states; eventually became independent countries during warring states period(479-221 bce). Nearly all the classic works of chinese literature and major schools of thoughts developed during this time. Five core confucian classics(eventually expanded to 13)