MKT 205 Study Guide - Final Guide: Multichannel Marketing, Institute For Operations Research And The Management Sciences, Marketing Mix

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Document Summary

All book, lecture, project, participation, discussion materials covered in weeks 6-13. You should add and understand the details and depth to this outline that corresponds to the grade you want to earn. If you add and understand a great deal of detail, you will score higher on the exam. If you memorize and recognize only what is on this outline, you should expect to achieve a grade of d or d+. Creating value through supply chain management: channels of distribution, logistics, Dual distribution systems - multiple channel usage. Logistics - process of using information systems to design, manage, and improve the movement of products through the supply chain. Value proposition: customers don"t buy a product they hire it for a job they need done innosight. com. Customer: i am going to have to give something up to get that product so that i can get some job done.