HIST 34414- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 32 pages long!)

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30 Nov 2017

Document Summary

Empire and the british felt like they could not do something that the. In the late 18th century, the british consumed 10 times more sugar per. The slave trade: britain and the slave trade, abolition came in two phases, 1. The abolition of the slave trade in 1807: 2. The abolition of slavery throughout the empire in 1833: abolition of the slave trade, the trade area, atlantic triangle (cid:271)et(cid:449)ee(cid:374) britai(cid:374), afri(cid:272)a, a(cid:374)d britai(cid:374)"s (cid:272)olo(cid:374)ies i(cid:374) the. New world (u. s. a. : the abolitionists, these men did the most to get this movement going include wilberforce, sharp, and clarkson, 1. Important british cities involved in slave trade: liverpool and bristol, the road to abolition. Zamindars: zamindars= the british saw them as land owners. It was decided that these people would pay a certain revenue every month and it would be fixed forever: fixed relationship between the land owners and the british government.