[ECON 30801] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 29 pages long Study Guide!

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India: gdp=1: grow at 7% - gdp is at 1. 07, usa: gdp=10, grow at 1% - gdp is at 10. 1. China"s economy will overtake the us in 2018 . Measuring income: gdp, total income of everyone in the country, measured by statistical service of the country, world bank, etc, gdp is denoted by the capital letter y, data found on world bank development indicators and penn world. Tables (links online: gdp across countries, gdp in the us is about trillion, gdp in kenya is about 5 trillion. Is the average person in the us better off than the average person in. Kenyan shilling/person: gdp per capita of us=317. 14 trillion/16 trillion=50,767. Usd/person: have to make sure that you are comparing numbers in the same units (1) can use the exchange rate - i have one usd. 86. 12 ksh/usd (2) using exchange rate, y (kenya) = (108,275.