MIE 330 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Talent Management System, Employee Engagement, Organizational Commitment

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Right combination of people, technology, and organizational structure that makes full use of the organization"s resources and opportunities in achieving its goals. Each of these elements must fit well with the others in a smoothly functioning whole. Figure 9. 1 elements of a high-performance work system. Organizational structure: way organization groups its people into useful divisions, departments, and reporting relationships. Task design: determines how details of the organization"s necessary activities will be grouped, whether into jobs or team responsibilities. People: well suited and well prepared for their jobs. Reward systems: encourage people to strive for objectives that support organization"s overall goals. In a high-performance work system, all the elements people, technology, and organizational structure work together for success. Figure 9. 2 outcomes of a high-performance work system. Based on interviews by the gallup organization of over 80,000 managers in over. The companies that had the highest ratings on the q12 also were the top performing companies financially.