[ENG 266] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 14 pages long Study Guide!

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5 Oct 2016

Document Summary

All modern american literature comes from one book by mark twain called huckleberry. There has been nothing as good since. (ernest hemingway) It mocks society in hopes of improving it. There"s satire in the notice before the novel begins. There doesn"t have to be a deep meaning in novels. Huckleberry finn is mostly fun and playful. There"s satire in the first few chapters with religion. Sundays in church are for brotherly love (vs. other days for sinning) Can"t kill women, has to make them fall in love with the boys. Going to the army, going to school, losing their father and becoming the man of the house. There weren"t many of girls in this time period. There"s steps (a pattern) in a bildungsroman for the main character to come of age: separation from comfort zone. Initiation into the rules, hardships, lessons and trials of world. Learn how to survive: return to home to take his rightful place as a man.