ANT 252 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cultural Relativism, Human Sexuality, Patrilineality

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13 Dec 2018

Document Summary

Midterm exam 2: in class on thursday, 11/8/18 - bring #2 pencils. Review session: wednesday, 11/7/18, 4-6 pm, cox 206 (q & a session) You will identify 10 countries and capitals by name (out of approximately 23 assigned) in north. & west africa around niger on a blank, numbered map. I will select which countries you identify, so you need to know them all. 1 pt. for each correct country and capital city name. Questions about topics in assigned readings, films, film clips and in-class powerpoint/lecture presentations. From ppt: recurrent gender patterns in the gender division of labor across cultures. Reduced gender stratification in matrilineal-matrilocal societies; increased gender stratification in patrilineal-patrilocal societies. Correlations between society type and gender stratification (foraging societies; tribal societies, chiefdoms, nonindustrial agricultural state societies; industrial state societies) Indonesia"s matriarchal minangkabau striking contrast to most of the world. The role of hijras in hindu ritual. Chapter 8: sexuality (several questions based on the questions on p. 232)