CHMY-361 Midterm: CHMY 361 Montana State 361Exam 3key11

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15 Feb 2019

Document Summary

100 points in_9 questions on s pages, including tabte as. For full credit show all work and put correct units onftnal answers. Read, please: if you get a quantitative answer that is many powers of l0from what you think it should be and cannotfind the effor, you will be rewarded for pointing out approximately what you expected and why. 5"7 kj/mole to those with energy:0 kj/mole if the degeneracy of the upper state: l0 and the degeneracy of the lower state: i at 29g k. te=z> flt. Pfov = t@- ll m at took 4rnr"t z f8. : lz1d ms-t t/,\[ be tr,. - t\,s at t{ook. E z eryo,l uv *l (lf pts) 3. (a) calculate ag for moving 2 moles of al*3 from the inside to the outside of a cell under the conditions given below. a. f zv i k , Al*3 i x lo-6 m, o mv (out)