PSYC 203 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Karl Popper, Illusory Correlation, Without Evidence

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12 Apr 2019

Document Summary

Used in teaching, judicial cases, political views. Influenced 2005 roper v. simmons (juvenile death penalty), 2010 graham v. Florida (juveniles cannot be sentenced to life without parole), clark &clark (1947) and brown v. board of education. Used to evaluate the effectiveness of programs. Allows us to accept completely out own judgement or others" about something, allowing our cognitive and motivational biases cloud our judgement. Illusory correlation: cognitive bias that occurs when we focus on events that happen close together (ex: adopting increases pregnancy in women) Provides a source of behavior without evidence, gives us a sense of control. Need scientific evidence, not faith; provides a source of behavior but no evidence. Scientific skepticism: ideas must be evaluated on basis of research; scientists do not believe what they first see or hear, they need scientific evidence. Empiricism: fundamental characteristic; knowledge is based on observations, there are clear methods with step-by-step instructions and the data used.