[FCST-100] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (28 pages long!)

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To not make a choice is to make a choice. What you get vs. what you give up. Most choices can be changed, but some are harder to go back on. Do not believe in hard works, sacrifice, credentials. Social groups: common identity and interactions create social relationships. Beliefs: what people hold to be true. Values: what is right and wrong, good or bad. Sociological imagination: awareness of social structure"s influence on choices. Going against tradition in a polygamist society. Used on census, doesn"t include foster children. Elderly parents, eldest son, his wife and children. Economically driven, all members worked together including children (farming) Husbands entered labor force, changes in child labor education. A set of interrelated statements that attempt to explain. A point of view, formal or informal. Follows an economic model and all behavior and relationships are evaluated based on costs and rewards. Individuals seek to maximize rewards and reduce costs.