PSYCH 1000 Quiz: Psych Exam 2

94 views6 pages
7 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Learning: relatively change in behavior result from experience: nonassociative learning: responding after repeated exposure to a single stimulus or event. Dishabituation: increase of response because of a change in something familiar (background noise suddenly stops) Sensitization: responses increases: associative learning: linking two stimuli/events that occur together. Unconditioned stimulus: produces the ur naturally (food) Unconditioned response: salivation after food is presented. Conditioned stimulus: neutral stimulus (metronome) is paired with the us. This pairing is called a conditioning trial and is repeated a number of times. Conclusion: the dog was conditioned to associate the metronome with food. Acquisition: the gradual association between the conditioned and unconditioned stimulus. Second-order conditioning: the complexity of learned associations. Extinction: a process in which the cr is weakened when the cs is repeated without the us. Spontaneous recovery: a process in which the previously extinguished cr reemerges after the presentation of the.