HIST 1100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Winthrop Jordan, Indentured Servant, Daniel Shays

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History midterm: discuss the long-term and short-term causes of the american revolution. Experiences of colonists with government and their ideas about government. After the glorious revolution (george being overthrown by mary and william), gb has little influence (era of. Interference of british crown in colonial government, especially with taxes. Self-government is established early on and fueled by the writings of john locke (natural and god-given rights) and the enlightenment. The rights of the colonists, samuel adams 1772. Changes in british policy after french and indian war. Since they need to fund the war they finished, they begin taxing the colonies heavily without consent. First, identify the two most common kinds of bound labor that flourished in the colony of. Second, explain how these forms of bondage were similar and different. Slavery: brought over to the colonies in the early 1700s. Both dehumanized were seen as just pieces of the machine . Both groups wer considered to be indentured servants.