CL_HUM 3350 Study Guide - Anthesteria, Etiology, Erechtheion

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Liminal - limen, threshold. borderline space that is potentially dangerous, may need to take precautions autochthon/autochthony - in some fashion come from the land themselves, means self. Earth epichoric - peculiar to a certain area. Thrace - the land just to the north of greece. Metopes (w, e, and s, all have same theme triumph over disorder by order. South (polis vs. wilderness)) a. b. c. d. 3. a. a. b. c. d. e. right hand: nike. Satyriasis, priapism states of constant erection couldn"t get the erection to go down g. f. 6. dithyramb (processional hymn) was a ritual that lead to the. Transvestism: the actors h. i. after the 3 tragedies, there was a satyr play, satyrs were dionysus" more of a comedy, lighten the mood after 3 tragedies the satyrs make up the chorus followers. 2. they have a big procession carrying a statue of dionysus into the theater, to watch the performances and bless the festival j.