TE 150 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Fundamental Attribution Error, Learned Helplessness, Controllability

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6 Dec 2016

Document Summary

Retrieves it. (pull it out and turn it in) 3 memory components and relationships to each other: Sensory memory: holds information only a fraction of a second, most of the stimuli that hit our sensory memory are quickly lost, the stimulus must be meaningful, ul in order to remember. If we pay attention to a stimulus, it is encoded in short term memory. Short term memory: stm holds information for about 30 seconds, or longer if we rehearse, this is retrieving the info, thinking about your birthday. It is limited in capacity: 7 +/- 2 items. (magic number 7 rule) If information is rehearsed or elaborated, it is moved to long-term memory. Long term memory: holds an enormous amount of information for a really long period of time in a relatively permanent fashion, when we need to use our stored memories, we retrieve them out of ltm and back into.