PSY 200 Study Guide - Final Guide: Prototype 2, Spreading Activation, Language Acquisition Device

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10 Dec 2014

Document Summary

Why we categorize they help us understand the world around us. How do we perform categorization we classify the object we encounter into categories. Evidence for typicality effects; categorization task: comparing the exemplar to the prototype. naming effects a canary is a bird = big overlap and rt is fast. A ostrich is a bird = small overlap and rt is slow. Weaknesses variability within a category exemplar theory. Consistent with evidence used to support prototype; does not explain variability within a category. Weakness- not very economical; how do you decide where to put each exemplar. Homa et al"s training study suggests early rely on exemplars, after training more reliance on prototype but probably still some exemplars. After little training, 2 is faster than 1. Later in training, 1 is faster than 2. Basic level special naming tasks; amount of information at each level. Experience can change levels. (experts) and classification strategies (cross cultural)