PSY 200 Study Guide - Final Guide: Rote Learning, Systematic Desensitization, Classical Conditioning

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A form of learning where a response are associated with a new stimulus key relationship is between the stimuli. candy/bell response wait for candy, put hand out for candy. Acquisition training where a conditioned response is established and strengthened. Extinction weakening of the conditioned response through removal of reinforcement. Spontaneous return of paired response even after extinction. Systematic desensitization extinction gradually exposing people to feared stimuli without negative outcome help remain calm. Vicarious conditioning occurs indirectly think about growing up and what siblings, cousins or friends got yelled at for. could you associate negative behavior with a punishment without doing it yourself. Association of response and the consequences of the response acts that are followed by reinforcement will continue to occur . acts that are followed by punishment will decrease in frequency. Reinorcers any event that reliably increases the probability or frequency of responses it follows. Reinorcers occors when a response is followed by a reward or positive event.