PSY 200 Study Guide - Final Guide: Myoclonus, Theta Wave, Sleep Spindle

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Identify and explain the fifth level of awareness. No awareness - may apply to someone knocked out by a blow, anesthetized, in a deep, prolonged unconscious state. Reservoir of unacceptable wishes, feelings and thoughts beyond conscious awareness. Daily behavioral or physiological cycle, sleep/wake, body temperature, blood pressure, blood sugar. We need sleep to: restore our cellular production, growth, repair. Adaptation of evolutionary value of sleep during darkness. Sleep deprivation: adds stress, trouble paying attention to tasks and solving problems, decreased brain activity, can influence moral judgment. Identify the first stage of sleep and it"s characteristics. Stage 1: drowsy sleep, myoclonic jerks or sudden muscle movements, eeg characterized by slow, high-amplitude theta waves. Identify the second stage of sleep and it"s characteristics. Stage 2: decreased muscle activity, no conscious awareness of environment, theta waves interspersed with sleep spindles. Identify the third and fourth stage of sleep and their characteristics. Stage 3&4: characterized by delta waves; slowest & highest-amplitude brain waves.