PSY 200 Study Guide - Final Guide: Interference Theory, Cognitive Psychology, Psy

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Mnemonic devices are techniques a person can use to help them improve their ability to remember something. Implicit memory is evidenced when retention is exhibited on a task that does not require intentional remembering. A concrete example of implicit memory is procedural (nondeclarative) memory (e. g. , remembering how to ride a bicycle). explicit memory involves the conscious, intentional recollection of previous experiences and information (schachter, 1987). Phoneme smallest unit of sound; humans are able to recognize approximately 100 phonemes; different languages use different groups of about 20 to 80 phonemes; english language is composed of approximately 4 phonemes. Morpheme the smallest unit of meaning in a language, including root words, prefixes (e. g. , un-) and suffixes (e. g. , -ly, -ed) behaviorist theories of language acquisition. B. f. skinner; children learn language the same way they learn everything else: through imitation, reinforcement, and other established principles of conditioning nativist theories of language acquisition.