PSY 200 Study Guide - Final Guide: Mirror Neuron, Observational Learning, Psy

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Mirror neurons show similar patterns of activity when an individual performs an action or watches another individual perform the same action. Let preschoolers watch a film of someone abusing a doll and they did the same thing. It was inconclusive because violence is popular in media or the toddlers could have a predisposition for it. The system by which we retain information and bring it to mind. Memory for information about how to do things. Information retrieved through a conscious effort to remember something. Unintentional recollection and influence of prior experiences; "retention without remembering" Red the textbook twice (first reading would help you to read if more quickly the second time) Dislike someone you just met without clear reason. Memory depends on the extent to which you encode and process information why you first encounter it. Match between how to encode and how to retrieve. Each unit of knowledge as connected to every other unit.