PSY 101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Hypervigilance, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Distressing

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Electronic media only counts if it is work related. ) Dissociative reactions: flashbacks (feeling as if traumatic events were reoccurring) Intense or prolonged physiological distress + marked physiological reactions at exposure to internal/external cues that symbolize aspect of traumatic event. Avoidance of or efforts to avoid distressing memories, thoughts, feelings closely associated with traumatic event. Avoidance or effort to avoid external reminders (people, places, conversations, activities, etc) that arouse distressing memories/thoughts/feelings about traumatic event. Inability to remember important aspects of traumatic events. Persistent/exaggerated negative beliefs about oneself or others in the world. Distorted cognitions about cause or consequences of event (blaming themselves) Depersonalization: feeling detached from ones mental processes or body, as if in a dream, sense of unreality of self or body, time moving slowly. Derealization: experiences of unreality of surroundings, world is unreal, dreamlike, distant, distorted. Reptilian brain: designed to detect threat and respond with flight/fight/freeze, physiological changes associated with conserving energy.