PSY 101 Quiz: Exam 1 Study Guide

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29 Jan 2019

Document Summary

Below is a list of terms/concepts that you should be familiar with for exam 1 on tuesday . While the exam leans heavily on material covered during lecture you should be familiar with the assigned readings. Make sure to check out the mini-quiz questions and practice questions that are posted on d2l. Introduction and course overview ch. 1 (5 questions on the exam) Focusing on identifying the structures of the human mind, through introspection. Gestalt psychology: opposed to structuralism the whole is different from the sum of its parts. Psychoanalysis: led by sigmund freud focused on the etiology, development, and treatment of abnormal behavior (consciousness, childhood behaviors) Sigmund freud: the founder of psychoanalysis, a clinical method for treating psychopathology through dialogue between a patient and a psychoanalyst. Behaviorism: psychology was redefined as the scientific study of observable behavior (how behaviors are learned and modified) B. f. skinner modern behaviorism"s most important and controversial figure.