MTH 234 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Tangent Space, Spherical Coordinate System, Iterated Integral

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12 Oct 2018

Document Summary

Include enough steps for the grader to be able to follow your work. Include words to clarify your reasoning: do rst all of the problems you know how to do immediately. Do not spend too much time on any particular problem. Return to di cult problems later: you will be given exactly 50 minutes for this exam. I have read and understand the above instructions: Page 1 of 9 (cid:90) 4 (cid:90) 2 (cid:90) 4. 0: i, ii, iii, i. and iii, none of the above. Page 2 of 9: (3 points) evaluate the integral cos(u3) dv du = sin(1)/3, (3 points) the volume between f (x, y) = x2 + y2 and the xy plane inside the region bounded by. 0 x2 + y2 = 1 is /2: (10 points) the surface area of the part of the surface z = xy2 that lies above the triangle in the (cid:90) x2 (cid:90) y2 g(x, y) dy dx where: