MGT 315 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Job Satisfaction, Performance Management, Counterproductive Work Behavior

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Selection: the process by which companies decide who will or will not be allowed into the organization, good measures should meet 5 criteria reliable valid generalizable utility legal. Reliability: reliability is calculated by correlating measurement repetitions repetition in items example: Validity: how accurately the measure predicts an aspect of job performance; it measures what it"s supposed to, a measure must be reliable in order to be valid. Validity: i design a test that i think predicts future job performance. I want to find out if it actually does . If they all score similarly on the test, it has some validity. Give the test to applicants; hire on old criteria. Wait; if successful applicants scored similarly it has validity. Generalizability: the measure is valid across multiple contexts not necessarily a requirement, but something to be aware of, jobs shifts applicants regions.